Christmas In July

Merry Christmas in July! It’s no secret that I love Christmas. Some people might tell you I’m obsessed, and it’s true. It’s the most magical time of the year. When I think of Christmas I think of so many childhood memories, all the yummy foods, the family traditions, the joy I feel driving around to look at Christmas lights with my family, the holiday candles, and so on and so on. I could write a novel on my love for the holidays, but I won’t ;) Instead I’ll talk to you about how we spent Christmas in July, because anytime I can celebrate this holiday I will.

Our day started off with a visit from our elves, Cookie and Clark! They came bearing gifts from Santa and a letter letting the kids know they have been good so far this year but they need to keep it up if they want to make Santa’s Nice List. Malie was SO surprised to see her magic friends this morning, and she reminded me more than once that I could not touch them or they would lose their magic ;)

Word to the wise don’t try to take a selfie with your kids right after you’ve let them open presents, or it’ll turn out like this…


After visiting with Cookie and Clark and playing with our new toys we had a Christmas themed breakfast! It was really simple to piece together. I used frozen waffles, m&m minis, bacon, and a banana. I spent maybe 10 minutes piecing both of their Christmas Tree Waffles together, and better yet we had everything I needed to create them in the kitchen already!

After lunch we watched The Grinch approximately 85 times, haha kidding! But my kids would watch it that many times if I let them. We watched the original and the new versions of The Grinch, but we ended up watching the new one twice. In case you didn’t know it’s available on Netflix now! Then we played with Christmas wrapping paper. Seriously that’s what we did and they both LOVED it. I pulled out an old roll from last year and let them have at it. There were so many squeals and so much laughter I didn’t even worry about the mess we were making.

After naps we ended the day by baking Christmas cookies and watching Elf. All in all it was a magical day, and a tradition I hope to continue through the years!

XOXO & Pixie Dust,


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