Sweet Summertime

I saw an article going around on Facebook the year Malie was born and it was talking about how as parents we only have 18 summers with our kids. Reading that as a brand new Mom I was a total mess; emotional train wreck to put it bluntly. Then I thought if I only have 18 summers with her I better make the best of them!

Summer is officially here! It’s a special time filled with vacations, ice cream trucks, longer days, tan lines, grilling out, sleeping in, and so much more! I don’t want to miss a minute of it. If you aren’t careful you’ll blink and it will be the holiday season (which I LOVE) but I want to be present and invested in Malie’s 3rd summer and Maverick’s 2nd one.

Looking back at the memories we have made the past 2 summers with our kids makes my heart swell! I know they won’t remember the places we went or things we did, but I will. I can look back at photos (because we all know how many I take in a day) and I am transported to that moment. Maverick’s bald head and sweet grin in Magic Kingdom, Malie visiting Ariel or riding Dumbo, and all the sweet moments at home: grilling out with Dad, running through the sprinkler, or family movie nights. Let’s not forget pool days, ice cream for dinner or fun days at the zoo. The possibilities for summer fun are endless!! Here’s a look back at some of my favorite memories from last summer.

A fun tradition we started last year was a summer bucket list! Our list is pretty small as our kiddos are only 3 and 1. I add our vacations to the list as well as a few fun things we can put together and accomplish here at home. If you need some fresh ideas Pinterest is the place to go! Malie was excited to help me this year and when I asked her what she thought of our Summer Bucket List chalkboard she said “It’s Cool!” #momwin I agree with her and I can’t wait to get our Summer started!


Does your family have plans this summer? I’d love to hear them! I hope I’ve inspired you to take the trip, eat the extra scoop of ice cream, forget bedtime, be spontaneous, because we only get 18 summer with our babies and we have to make them count!

XOXO & Pixie Dust,


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